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Projects & Testimonials
Whitehouse, OH
New construction located in northwest Ohio with Impede IntraSeal protected driveway, porch and patio.
Read MoreGrand Rapids, MI
"This concrete saw very heavy use all winter long and had very abrasive salts used on it regularly. It has held up amazing! This is a true testament to the integral sealer Impede IntraSeal!"
Read MoreGreat Lakes Concrete Supply
"With Impede® Intraseal in the mix the concrete finished really well. After finishing we noticed our tools cleaned up great too!"
Read MoreWaukesha, WI
"We are glad that our contractor told us about Impede IntraSeal! Our new driveway looks great and we love the idea of not having to seal it again!"
Read MoreHolland Street Project
"If it were in the budget to redo all of our roads this year, Impede IntraSeal would be in every one of them."
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RILEM Repellency Testing
Repellency testing of treated and untreated concrete samples clearly shows that concrete with Impede IntraSeal in the mix protects against water absorption over time. Watch the video.
Read MoreContractors – Should You Cure?
It is always a good idea to cure concrete. Curing of concrete is defined as providing adequate moisture, temperature, and time to allow the concrete to achieve the desired properties for its intended use.
Read MoreFast Patch with IntraSeal
A fast patch mix is concrete designed to set and gain strength quickly. This is essential for departments of transportation when completing repair work on interstates, highways, and busy city streets.
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